Six Ways to Build Profitable Relationships with Associations - (Part II)
By Susan Kendrick
Write To Your Market, Inc.
In Part I of this two-part series, One of the Most Profitable Relationships You Can Develop, we looked at how building relationships with industry associations can help you introduce yourself, your business, your services, and your book to your industry and to new markets. The beauty of it is that you do it by offering to help the association at the same time.
Here are 6 ways to get things rolling
1. Contribute: You can start by offering to do something as simple as contributing articles to the association newsletter, ezine, print magazine—however and wherever it communicates with its members. The association gets great, educational content. You get your message across to a group of prospects eager to get the most from their membership through access to expert guidance.
2. Membership Incentive: Associations face a major challenge on a daily basis that you can help them solve—membership. Associations of all kinds are continually trying to acquire new members and keep existing members. Offer your book, ebook, consulting session, or some other package to the association at a volume discount as part of a new-member incentive package or as a renewal incentive for existing members.
3. Support Its Cause: Become a champion for one of the association's causes and post regularly about it. You attract those interested in that cause to you as a reputable source of information, and the association gets exposure to your followers as well. You also gain recognition as someone valued by the association and the team that runs it. You are part of a vital mission in this new market you are getting to know and that is getting to know you. It's good for both you and the association, which, again, is the key to a profitable association relationship.
4. Provide Visibility: Interview the executive director of the association in a way that enhances his or her visibility and credibility. Make this interview available as a video, podcast, article, blog post, etc., for use by you, the director, and the association.
5. Speak at Events: Offer to give the association a sample of your public public speaking abilities by doing a complimentary breakout session at the association's next big event. Even if you don’t get paid for the engagement the first time, that live exposure to decision-makers in this new market is a huge opportunity for you. Use your speaking session to give away a free gift (your book, related product, consulting package) through a drawing at the event, Facebook campaign, etc.
6. Make It Easy: Most associations have some kind of process in place to help them select resources who will be a true value to their members. Go through that vetting process. Your book—or even your forthcoming book—mark you as a recognized authority in your field. Use it, your website, blog, Facebook and Twitter followings, testimonials, and other components of your existing platform to demonstrate your credibility and how you can add value to the association and its membership.
The idea is to enter a new market that you have identified as a good source of potential clients and revenue. Partner with an association in that market that meets the three criteria listed in Part I of this series. Then, do everything you can to add value to what the association is doing for its members in a way that introduces you, your business, and your services to those members.
What Does This Have to Do With Your Book and Book Cover?
How effective your book is in helping you develop relationships with potential partners and in multiple markets will be a direct result not only of your book's content but its cover. The development of your manuscript and especially your book title and subtitle and your book's back cover sales copy can help you reach specific goals in your business, your practice, your future growth, and more. It will even influence who you approach—and don’t approach—for endorsements.
Your book is written for and is a conversation with the reader. The same is true of your book cover. But, your book cover is also the marketing tool you will use to create profitable relationships within your industry. Make sure it works hard to build your credibility, showcase your expertise, and open doors for you. Writing a book to build your business? Please visit our website, or call Graham Van Dixhorn and Susan Kendrick at or 715-634-4120.